Is it time for some PSHE training?
We've been delighted to receive some very positive feedback about our resources and this has really kept us going through the ongoing challenges, so thank you to everyone who has been in touch. We've also been missing working with teachers as prior to the Covid pandemic a lot of our time was spent developing and delivering training to schools. One of our most popular sessions was "Getting ready for statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education", so to continue our ongoing free support to schools we're putting together a twilight session that is free for any secondary teacher delivering PSHE/Health and wellbeing in their school. There will be an emphasis on the changes taking place in England, but teachers from all 4 home nations are welcome and most of the session will be relevant to everyone. We already have a good number of bookings and only offered the session this morning, we'd advise you to book quickly if you're interested in attending. Simply Send Email by 19th February and he will add you to the list. You will receive a zoom link closer to the session. Hope to see you there.