DfE Extension to statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education
Last week the DfE announced an extension of two full terms for schools to implement statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). The letter, published on the DfE website makes it clear that the subjects will become statutory from September 2020, but due to Covid-19 acknowledges that many schools will not have a full programme in place by this date. The DfE circular can be found on the PSHE association's website.
Schools have no later than Summer Term 2021 to implement their full curriculum. Schools who are ready to begin teaching from September 2020 are encouraged to do so, with the rest taking a 'phased approach' towards full implementation. The DfE circular also suggests that the curriculum should initially focus on mental and emotional wellbeing as a priority. Chameleon PDE's Life after lockdown packs are well placed to support schools with the first few weeks of the new academic year, as they have a strong emphasis on mental health and offer 600 minutes of flexible and adaptable learning activities. For schools who cannot do any teaching of RSHE before Summer Term 21 there is an expectation for them to have a clear plan of action in place so that teaching can begin on schedule. Chameleon PDE's secondary PSHE Scheme of work will be available ready for September 2020 allowing schools a phased programme of implementation. The scheme of work will also include home learning materials so that schools can begin their RSHE teaching should home education be applicable for some students due to social distancing regulations.