Chameleon PDE LTD
2 Spring Gardens, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1AZ
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
This pack focuses on animal welfare issues that can be taught as part of PSHE or Citizenship. Themes covered include responsibilities and costs of pet ownership, debates about animal testing and farming, celebrity culture and pets. Some students may be sensitive around issues of animal cruelty, and this pack does not show any distressing images. Although not part of any statutory PSHE curriculum, this topic was requested by numerous students who felt it was an interesting and important area to discuss, so we felt it was essential to add this co-produced pack (with students) to our resource library.
This pack contains the following activities: