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Is teaching about marriage and civil partnership compulsory in PSHE?
Ages 14-16 : Marriage, partnership & rights
Since September 2020 teaching secondary students about marriage, civil partnership and the different legal rights that exist within intimate partnerships has been compulsory in England as part of statutory Relationships Education and has been compulsory in other UK nations for some time. This pack contains all the resources you need to teach about different legal rights, an area that many teachers find complex, and also includes activities about forced marriage. Care has been taken so the materials are inclusive of all relationships including those who are LGBTQ+. The pack has a comprehensive set of teacher notes and a fully editable PowerPoint.
This pack contains the following activities:
- What do you already know about legal romantic partnerships?
- Partnership terminology bingo
- Legally valid or not?
- What do you think - Speed discussions
- Spot the difference
- Monogamy debate
- Forced marriage - design a digital campaign