©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
Ages 13-14 Resources : Knowledge, skills and values to help provide perspective on gang and knife culture and have strategies to resist pressure.
Ages 13-14 : Gang and knife culture, personal and social consequences
These activities focus on the impacts of joining a gang including the carrying of bladed articles. They also provide information on how to exit a gang safely with appropriate signposting to support agencies. You have 120 minutes of activities to choose from, a fully editable PowerPoint presentation, and an age appropriate home learning resource.
Take 10 Activity choices:
Choice 1 - Knife crime, test your knowledge
Choice 2 - Positives and negatives of gangs
Choice 3 - No pressure, the art of saying no
Take 20 Activity choices:
Choice 1 - I want out!
Choice 2 - Spot the signs
Take 30 Activity - Brad's story - the personal and community impact and consequences of gangs and knives