
Updated: Inspection and Personal Development Education 2023/24: How Is PSHE Being Inspected?

Stay informed about the latest updates in school inspections with our detailed overview of the changes set in place for the 23/24 academic year. Discover key insights from HMI Polly Haste's briefing on changes to PSHE, RSHE, and PD inspections. Learn about the new emphasis on 'connectedness' in curriculum design, the importance of student wellbeing, and updates to the OFSTED and Independent Schools Inspection Framework.

How do I assess pupil progress in PSHE?

There are a myriad of reasons why it's important to have a good assessment process in place to assess student progress in PSHE (or whatever you call this in your setting). This article aims to help you reflect on your current assessment methods and implement positive change. To create this article (and our resources for Chameleon partner schools) we have drawn on best practice, schools' experiences and relevant educational research.

Our customers say it best...

Here are some of the testimonials we have received over the last year.

Inspection and Personal Development Education 2022 : How is PSHE being inspected?

Since the publication of the revised Ofsted Handbook for Schools in July 2022, and the annual update to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) in September, we’ve been on a mission to discover what the reality is in regard to school inspections and what aspects of PSHE are being looked at.
Displaying all 4 articles