Do you want to develop 'gold standard' PSHCE?
One of the best things about working with schools is when we get the opportunity to collaborate and support them on their journey towards excellent PSHE. We have noticed that many of the schools who choose to work with us are already delivering pretty good PSHE but, want it to be even better. Pioneer Education Trust falls firmly into this category and PSHE Lead, Joe Cook-Williams at Upton Court Grammar says:
“Personal development is a fundamental part of a student’s educational journey, and with relationships and sex education becoming a statutory requirement, it is more important than ever to ensure that the resources we use are of the best quality. Using Chameleon PDE ensures that all members of my department have the knowledge and resources to provide outstanding lessons. The resources provided ensure that every student is able to develop their own knowledge and skills in interesting and engaging ways. The consistent use of classroom rules, and information provided on any safeguarding matters in the lesson content, means that ensuring students are safeguarded is the number one priority for everyone. The students have consistently fed back that the activities are fun and engaging and teachers like the clear explanations that come with the activities”.
We are delighted that our resources are placed at the heart of Joe’s PSHE provision and as mentioned we have worked hard to ensure there is a safeguarding focus throughout.
Safeguarding is also the key focus of an exciting project taking place at another Pioneer Education Trust school.
Assistant Head Teacher at Trevelyan Middle School, Bradley Day, has been leading on ‘Notice Me’ a pupil-led film about County Lines. This collaborative project raises the awareness about how all children can be affected by County Lines and provides valuable safety messages. The film and 5 learning sessions have been created to help schools deliver high quality and impactful lessons on this important topic. Brad is aiming to share this great resource as widely as possible, this leaflet provides more details and how you can get involved.
When schools build their core PSHCE programme using resources from our library they save countless hours of preparation time. This time can be used more creatively as Brad has shown and Joe’s PSHE delivery team feel more empowered to confidently deliver fully prepared and engaging sessions. These are two schools actively moving towards 'gold standard' PSHE.