©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
Chameleon Explore 5-11
Product Details
Welcome to Chameleon Explore - Pilot programme
You can use the Chameleon Explore library to get up-to-date materials and activity packs for a wide range of PSHE topics. Each library pack has 20-30 minutes of focused PSHE learning, meaning you can fit PSHE more easily into busy timetables. The Chameleon Explore resource library will cover all statutory content, the PSHE Association Programme of Study, and much more besides. There will also be a strong focus on emotional literacy and mental health throughout the resources.
We are currrently building the resource bank so you can come on board as an early adopter, for just £99 plus VAT. We won't charge you any resubscription fees until all the minimum content is completed. The library will eventually retail at a significantly higher price* As an early adopter you will be making significant savings, and if you stay with us we offer a substantial annual loyalty bonus when you renew your subscription each year.
Download the library overview showing all the packs you will receive here.
Why not drop us an email to discuss your needs info@chameleonpde.com
* Any price increases will be in line with inflation.
This product includes the following resources:
- Emotional & mental health
- Ages 5-7 : Feeling happy
- Ages 5-7 : Feeling sad
- Ages 5-7 : Feelings words
- Ages 5-7 : Giving and receiving love & kindness
- Ages 5-7 : It's good to be me
- Ages 5-7 : Losing something special
- Ages 5-7 : Negative emotions in relationships
- Ages 5-7 : Who can help me with my feelings?
- Ages 7-9 : Being honest- feeling guilty
- Ages 7-9 : Feeling lonely
- Ages 7-9 : Helping someone who's sad or anxious
- Ages 7-9 What are emotions?
- Ages 7-9 : What makes me special?
- Ages 9-11 : Feeling anxious
- Ages 9-11 : Feeling disappointed
- Ages 9-11 : Food and feelings
- Ages 9-11 : Harmful thoughts & behaviour
- Ages 9-11 : My personal qualities
- Puberty & sex education
- Ages 7-9 : Body part names-female
- Ages 7-9 : Body part names-male
- Ages 7-9 : Female body changes
- Ages 7-9 : Male body changes
- Ages 7-9 : What is a period?
- Ages 9-11 : Adult choices & contraception
- Ages 9-11 : Conception
- Ages 9-11 : Emotional changes at puberty
- Ages 9-11 : Physical changes at puberty (boys)
- Ages 9-11 : Physical changes at puberty (girls)
- Chameleon Compass Primary/Secondary Transition
- Chameleon Compass : Building confidence
- Chameleon Compass : Bullying at secondary school
- Chameleon Compass: Conflict resolution
- Chameleon Compass: Conversation starters
- Chameleon Compass : Different teachers and their expectations
- Advisory & Guidance Documents & Training Materials - Primary
- Key awareness days and months 2023-24
- Lesson observation proforma
- PRIMARY : 40 Inspection Questions
- PRIMARY : Ages 5-11 Chameleon Explore Library Content
- PRIMARY : Ages 5-7 Chameleon Explore Library Content
- PRIMARY : Ages 7-11 Chameleon Explore Library Content
- PRIMARY : Curriculum code references ages 5-7
- PRIMARY : Curriculum code references ages 7-11
- PRIMARY : PSHE Policy Template
- PRIMARY : PSHE/RSE Audit tool
- PRIMARY : PSHE & Safeguarding Audit Tool
- PSHE Learning walk proforma
- Sharing PSHE materials with parents
- Future choices & money
- Ages 5-7 : Moving onto my new class (ages 5-6)
- Health and fitness
- Ages 5-7 : Exercise is fun
- Ages 9-11 : Physical activity choices
- Keeping safe online and offline
- Ages 5-7 : Basic online safety
- Ages 5-7 : Being safe at home
- Ages 5-7 : Dialling 999
- Ages 5-7 : Enjoying the sunshine (sun safety)
- Ages 5-7 : People who help me stay safe
- Ages 5-7 : Safety in the playground
- Ages 5-7 : Safety near water
- Ages 5-7 : Safety with medicines
- Ages 5-7 : Tricky grown-ups
- Ages 7-9 : Adverse online friendships
- Ages 7-9 : Getting help
- Ages 7-9 : Personal safety
- Ages 7-9 : Positive online friendships
- Ages 7-9 : Road safety
- Ages 7-9 : Sun safety
- Ages 7-9 : What is social media?
- Ages 9-11 : Being exploited
- Ages 9-11 : Cannabis
- Ages 9-11 : Carrying a knife is dangerous
- Ages 9-11 : County Lines
- Ages 9-11 : Grooming
- Skills, values and responsibilities
- Ages 5-7 : I'm good at...
- Ages 5-7 : Why do we have rules in school?
- Ages 7-9 : Being assertive
- Ages 7-9 : Group work
- Ages 7-9 : What are food miles?
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Ages 5-7 : Being gentle- being rough
- Ages 5-7 : I'm worried about a friendship
- Ages 5-7 : I'm worried about something at home
- Ages 5-7 : Kind and caring friends
- Ages 5-7 : My new class (ages 5-6)
- Ages 5-7 : Positive emotions in relationships
- Ages 5-7 : Unkind & uncaring friendships
- Ages 5-7 : Ways to make up
- Ages 5-7 : We shouldn't be friends anymore
- Ages 5-7 : Who's in my family?
- Ages 7-9 : Being polite
- Ages 7-9 : Different types of families
- Ages 7-9 : Ending a friendship
- Ages 7-9 : Feeling pressured by others
- Ages 7-9 : How do we show care?
- Ages 7-9 : I've argued with my best friend
- Ages 7-9 : Stuck in the middle - friendship triangles
- Ages 7-9 : What is a bystander?
- Ages 7-9 : What makes a friend?
- Ages 7-9 : What to do about bullying
- Ages 9-11 : Different points of view
- Ages 9-11 : Feeling worried about home
- Ages 9-11 : Friendship arguments
- Ages 9-11 : Friendship changes
- Ages 9-11 : Giving and seeking permission (consent)
- Ages 9-11 : Managing family arguments & disagreements
- Ages 9-11 : Managing peer influences
- Ages 9-11 : Types of peer influence
- Ages 9-11 : What is an enabler in bullying?
- Ages 9-11 : What is coercion?
- Ages 9-11 : What is respect?