Chameleon Explore 5-11

Product Details

Welcome to Chameleon Explore - Pilot programme

You can use the Chameleon Explore library to get up-to-date materials and activity packs for a wide range of PSHE topics. Each library pack has 20-30 minutes of focused PSHE learning, meaning you can fit PSHE more easily into busy timetables. The Chameleon Explore resource library will cover all statutory content, the PSHE Association Programme of Study, and much more besides. There will also be a strong focus on emotional literacy and mental health throughout the resources.

We are currrently building the resource bank so you can come on board as an early adopter, for just £99 plus VAT. We won't charge you any resubscription fees until all the minimum content is completed. The library will eventually retail at a significantly higher price* As an early adopter you will be making significant savings, and if you stay with us we offer a substantial annual loyalty bonus when you renew your subscription each year.

Download the library overview showing all the packs you will receive here.

Why not drop us an email to discuss your needs

* Any price increases will be in line with inflation.

This product includes the following resources:

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