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What Black History should I include within PSHE lessons?
Ages 14-16 : Black History
The title of the pack is ‘Black History’, however, we have attempted to very much focus on Black British history and also make the activities contemporary so that students feel it is relevant to them and the time they are living in. Many of the individuals mentioned are still alive and possibly making history. The homework task is always optional but we would recommend that you encourage students to watch the Akala films on You Tube, they are only 6.5 minutes long but a very useful starting point when looking at Black British history. If you would like to cover more lessons on Black British history we would recommend The Black Curriculum - https://theblackcurriculum.com/
This pack contains the following activities:
- Representation
- Useful definitions
- Racist products
- The Windrush Generation
- What can you find out about... (modern black historical figures)
- Has history been whitewashed?
- Black History Makeover