©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Personal development programme (Ages 11-18)
Product Details
Chameleon personal development / personal, social, health, education (PSHE) resources offer the international school a vast array of flexible and editable teaching materials. Our bank of lesson packs cover everything you need to support your pupils to become confident learners and global citizens of the future.
Our included 'How Are You?' pupil survey puts you in the driving seat so you can respond to student need and tailor your personal development curriculum.
If you're striving for excellence in personal development for your pupils why not download our brochure and sample materials?
Each PSHE resource pack in our library contains:
•A minimum of 2 hours worth of activity choices, giving you 100's of hours of learning
•Detailed activity notes
•Fully editable PowerPoint presentations
•Templates, scenarios and games to support activities
•Optional homework
•Home learning resources
•Challenge activities for more able students/extension work
•Lessons to support your careers programme
•Mapping and other guidance documents
•Assessment guidance
With Chameleon you can build and tailor your PSHE scheme of work to meet student need, your individual setting and your timetable, something that other PSHE providers do not offer.
If you choose to stay with us, you can re-subscribe with a substantial loyalty bonus to retain access to the resource library (that we keep up to date), continued use of the How Are You? survey and any new activity packs we produce for the secondary and Post-16 curriculum.
This product includes the following resources:
- Emotional & mental health
- Ages 11-12 : Being unique, self-esteem and health
- Ages 11-12 : Body image
- Ages 11-12 : Boosting your mood
- Ages 11-12 : Feeling low
- Ages 11-12 : Feelings & behaviour
- Ages 11-12 : Learning from mistakes
- Ages 11-12 : Managing disappointment
- Ages 11-12 : Talking about feelings
- Ages 12-13 : Anxiety and depression
- Ages 12-13 : Connecting with others
- Ages 12-13 : Mental health stigma
- Ages 12-13 : Positive self talk
- Ages 12-13 : Unhealthy comparison
- Ages 13-14 : Connection, loneliness and mental health
- Ages 13-14 : Managing peer approval
- Ages 13-14 : Support for mental health
- Ages 13-14 : What affects mental health?
- Ages 14-16 : Developing self-esteem and confidence
- Ages 14-16 : Helping a friend or relative who is struggling to cope
- Ages 14-16 : Little things, big impacts
- Ages 14-16 : Preparing for change
- Ages 14-16 : Stress, anxiety and depression and how to manage them
- Ages 14-16 ; Unhealthy coping, warning signs and triggers
- Ages 16-18 : Being a resilient student
- Ages 16-18 : Common mental health issues and strategies to help
- Ages 16-18 : Managing mental health when starting university or work
- Ages 16-18 : Managing study/ exam stress
- Ages 16-18 : Prioritising my mental health
- Ages 16-18 : Suicide prevention
- Ages 16-18 : Young men and suicide
- Video library
- Age 11-12 : Feeling low 'Mindfulness music video'
- Age 11-12 : Feeling low 'Pebble beach sounds video'
- Age 12-13 : Anxiety and depression, panic attacks (also features in Age 16-18, priorising my mental health)
- Age 12-13 : Mental health stigma, 'Mental health, horrid histories' video
- Age 12-13 : Smoking and vaping, what do you know? (Manipulation by Big Tobacco video)
- Age 12-13 : Unhealthy comparison 'All about body shaming'video
- Age 13-14 : Championing LGBTQ+ community : LGBTQ+ stereotypes video
- Age 13-14 : Contraception horrid histories video
- Age 13-14 : Managing peer approval 'Peer pressure' video
- Age 13-14 : Medicine safety 'Antibiotics video'
- Age 13-14 : Positive and respectful intimate relationships 'Love story' video
- Age 13-14 : Sexting 'Bea and Jude' video
- Age 13-14 : What affects mental health?/ Ages 14-16 Preparing for change: The amazing teenage brain video
- Age 14-16 : Developing self-esteem and confidence : Nature, environment and self-esteem video
- Age 14-16 : Finding & using health services 'Visiting the GP video'
- Age 14-16 : LGBTQ+ History 'LGBTQ+ rights around the world' video
- Age 14-16 : Parenting and teenagers 'Why your parents get in your nerves' video
- Age 14-16 : Substance misuse and risky sexual behaviour 'Your brain and alcohol video'
- Age 14-16 years : Little things, big impacts 'The power of words video'
- Age 16-18 : Alcohol misuse, personal & social consequences 'Alcohol & inhibitions' video
- Age 16-18 : Managing exam and study stress 'Exam stress and why it happens' video
- Age 16-18 : Prioritising mental health 'Are you a happiness seeker" video
- Age 16-18 : Prioritising mental health 'How to access mental health services' video
- Menopause facts and myths
- Misogyny, causes and consequences - social influencer video
- Future choices & money
- Ages 11-12 : Managing money at secondary school
- Ages 11-12 : Starting at secondary school
- Ages 12-13 : Gambling
- Ages 12-13 : What skills are employers looking for?
- Ages 13-14 : Being a young entrepreneur
- Ages 13-14 : Being in financial debt
- Ages 13-14 : Managing money worries
- Ages 13-14 : Self-employment options
- Ages 13-14 : What careers are available to me?
- Ages 13-14 : What career would I like?
- Ages 14-16 : Applying for work and training how to stand out in a good way
- Ages 14-16 : Budgeting skills
- Ages 14-16 : Do job stereotypes still exist?
- Ages 14-16 : My Education Ambitions
- Ages 14-16 : My study plan
- Ages 14-16 : My work and other choices at 16
- Ages 14-16 : The changing job market
- Ages 16-18 : Budgeting & finance
- Ages 16-18 : Marketing yourself
- Ages 16-18 : Money matters
- Ages 16-18 : My career ambitions
- Ages 16-18 : Taking a gap year
- Ages 16-18 : Work or study my next steps
- Advisory & Guidance Documents & Training Materials - Secondary
- 11-18 years Introducing students to Chameleon PDE
- 2024/25 Calendar of awareness days, weeks & months (PSHE and Citizenship related)
- Assessing student progress in PSHE (updated guidance and tools) (Secondary) September 2023
- "How Are You?' Student voice supporting materials
- How do you compare? 2023/24
- PSHE Learning walk proforma
- PSHE lesson observation proforma
- Quality Assuring External Speakers/Agencies used in PSHE/PD - a checklist
- SECONDARY : 44 Inspection Questions
- SECONDARY : Audit Tool - PSHE and Safeguarding
- SECONDARY : Curriculum codes
- SECONDARY : Example PSHE programme / progression ages 11-16
- SECONDARY: 'How Are You? Student voice survey
- SECONDARY : Making the most of your Chameleon PDE Subscription
- SECONDARY : Mapping British values and SMSC
- SECONDARY: Mapping PSHE Association and Chameleon PDE (updated Sept 22)
- SECONDARY: Mapping RSHE and Chameleon PDE (updated Sept 22)
- SECONDARY : Moving towards outstanding PSHE
- SECONDARY : PSHE&C Library Index/Contents Updated October 2024
- SECONDARY : PSHE Curriculum audit tool
- SECONDARY : PSHE Policy Template
- SECONDARY : RSHE tracker (English RSHE statutory curriculum)
- SECONDARY : Scheme of Work Examples
- SECONDARY: Tutor Time short activities - A few ideas
- Sharing PSHE materials with parents
- TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY CONFERENCE : Ambitious Personal Development Education March 10 2023
- TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY : Effective subject leadership webinar December 2022
- TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY Health & prevention webinar November 2022
- TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY : Making the most of your Chameleon PDE subscription September 2022
- TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY : Sexual harassment & misogyny. Creating a positive culture webinar January 2023
- Health and fitness
- Ages 11-12 : Emotional & social changes at puberty
- Ages 11-12 : Fit and active
- Ages 11-12 : Food choices
- Ages 11-12 : Personal hygiene & oral health
- Ages 11-12 : Physical changes at puberty (girls and boys)
- Ages 12-13 : Mental benefits of physical activity
- Ages 12-13 : Science & health
- Ages 12-13 : Taking responsibility for my health
- Ages 12-13 : What influences food choices?
- Ages 13-14 : Contraception
- Ages 13-14 : Influences on physical activity
- Ages 13-14 : Prevention of infection
- Ages 13-14 : Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Ages 13-14 : Sleep & relaxation
- Ages 14-16 : Cancer prevention
- Ages 14-16 : Finding and using health services
- Ages 14-16 : Life-saving science
- Ages 14-16 : Sleep, rest and study
- Ages 14-16 : Women's health and menopause
- Ages 16-18 : Healthy eating on a budget
- Ages 16-18 : Keeping physically healthy while studying
- Ages 16-18 : Menopause and women's health
- Ages 16-18 : Monitoring my health
- Ages 16-18 : Young adult illnesses
- Covid vaccine- what do you need to know?
- Keeping safe online and offline
- Ages 11-12 : Attitudes of young people toward alcohol
- Ages 11-12 : FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
- Ages 11-12 : Food safety & choices
- Ages 11-12 : Grooming
- Ages 11-12 : My online personality
- Ages 11-12 : Online privacy
- Ages 11-12 : Social media as a positive influence
- Ages 11-12 : Tobacco, vaping and cannabis
- Ages 11-12 : Travel safety
- Ages 11-12 : Verbal bullying & banter
- Ages 11-14 : Misogyny, causes and consequences
- Ages 12-13 : Alcohol
- Ages 12-13 : Attitudes towards substance misuse
- Ages 12-13 : Emergency (First) Aid
- Ages 12-13 : Financial exploitation & Sextortion
- Ages 12-13 : Gang and knife culture
- Ages 12-13 : How has technology changed the workplace?
- Ages 12-13 : Media influence
- Ages 12-13 ; Online bullying
- Ages : 12-13 Smoking and vaping, what do you know?
- Ages 12-13 : Substances & the media
- Ages 12-13 : What does the internet know about me?
- Ages 13-14 : Bullying & abuse
- Ages 13-14 : Bullying and mental health
- Ages 13-14 : Different online behaviour
- Ages 13-14 : Gang and knife culture, personal and social consequences
- Ages 13-14 : Illegal drugs & the law
- Ages 13-14 : Medicine safety
- Ages 13-14 : Pornography
- Ages 13-14 : Positive use of social media
- Ages 13-14 : Recreational drug use
- Ages 13-14 : Sexting
- Ages 13-14 ; Substances & emergency situations (aid)
- Ages 13-14 : The impact of drugs on the community
- Ages 14-16 : Advertising, social media & regulation
- Ages 14-16 : Can you become too reliant on social media?
- Ages 14-16 : Dark web, harmful content & pornography
- Ages 14-16 : Domestic abuse
- Ages 14-16 : Emergency first aid
- Ages 14-16 : Gambling addiction
- Ages 14-16 : Impact of substance misuse on family & community
- Ages 14-16 : Managing my online profile for future employment
- Ages 14-16 : Managing unwanted attention
- Ages 14-16 : Radicalisation & extremism
- Ages 14-16 : Safety & body enhancement
- Ages 14-16 : Safety in the workplace
- Ages 14-16 : Sexual assault and what to do about it
- Ages 14-16 : Substance misuse, choice, habit or addiction
- Ages 14-16 : Substances and risky sexual behaviour
- Ages 14-16 : Substances, reputation and life chances
- Ages 14-16 : Why do some young people choose crime?
- Ages 14-16 : Women's safety
- Ages 16-18 : Alcohol misuse: personal & social consequences
- Ages 16-18 : Body image & social media
- Ages 16-18 : Building a positive online profile
- Ages 16-18 : Community impact of organised crime
- Ages 16-18 : De-escalating aggressive situations
- Ages 16-18 : Gangs and organised crime
- Ages 16-18 : Managing emergency situations
- Ages 16-18 : Personal safety in relationships
- Ages 16-18 : Positives & negatives of gaming and gambling
- Ages 16-18 : Rape & sexual assault
- Ages 16-18 : Sexual exploitation & abuse
- Ages 16-18 : Substance misuse
- Ages 16-18 : Travel safety including abroad
- Ages 16-18 : What is extremist behaviour?
- Skills, values and responsibilities
- Ages 11-12 : All kinds of people
- Ages 11-12 : A welcoming and inclusive school
- Ages 11-12 : Challenging stereotypes
- Ages 11-12 : Confidence building for group work and class
- Ages 11-12 : Impact of prejudice and discrimination
- Ages 11-12 : Managing conflict in teams
- Ages 11-12 : Reducing my carbon footprint
- Ages 11-12 : Respect goes both ways
- Ages 11-12 : Teamwork
- Ages 12-13 ; Accepting responsibility
- Ages 12-13 : Active listening
- Ages 12-13 : Challenging unfair family & cultural expectations
- Ages 12-13 : Communication skills (non-intimate)
- Ages 12-13 : Environmental impact of fast culture
- Ages 12-13 : Extremism
- Ages 12-13 : Managing criticism
- Ages 12-13 : Managing misunderstandings
- Ages 12-13 : My rights & responsibilities as a consumer
- Ages 12-13 : Non-verbal communication
- Ages 12-13 : What can I do to promote inclusion in my community?
- Ages 13-14 : Championing the LGBTQ+ community
- Ages 13-14 : Illegal employment & modern day slavery
- Ages 13-14 : Impact of climate change on animals
- Ages 13-14 : Problem-solving
- Ages 13-14 : Study skills
- Ages 13-14 : Working part time rights & responsibilities
- Ages 14-16 : Animal welfare
- Ages 14-16 : Being a role model for younger people
- Ages 14-16 : Black History
- Ages 14-16 : Developing resilience
- Ages 14-16 : Faith, culture, values, sex & relationships
- Ages 14-16 : Freedom of expression
- Ages 14-16 : Giving and receiving feedback
- Ages 14-16 : Growth mindset
- Ages 14-16 : Hate crime
- Ages 14-16 : LGBTQ+ History
- Ages 14-16 : Marriage, partnership & rights
- Ages 14-16 : The law, rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships
- Ages 14-16 : What can I do about climate change?
- Ages 14-16 : What sort of influence am I?
- Ages 14-16 : Where do my values come from?
- Ages 16-18 : Are human rights balanced in society?
- Ages 16-18 : Customer service and consumer rights
- Ages 16-18 : Differences in societal values - current issues (includes microaggressions in society)
- Ages 16-18 : Environmental issues, community & action
- Ages 16-18 : Goal setting and contingency planning
- Ages 16-18 : Preparing to drive & driving safety
- Ages 16-18 : Preparing to live independently
- Ages 16-18 : Setting my priorities for after school / college
- Ages 16-18 ; Staying motivated
- Ages 16-18 : The Law & You
- Ages 16-18 : Understanding politics & political influences
- Ages 16-18 : Workplace legislation
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Ages 11-12 : Bereavement
- Ages 11-12 : Families
- Ages 11-12 ; Friendship
- Ages 11-12 : Managing changes in friendships
- Ages 11-12 : Peer influence
- Ages 12-13 : Am I ready for a boyfriend / girlfriend ?
- Ages 12-13 : Family disputes
- Ages 12-13 : Healthy ways to manage relationship feelings
- Ages 12-13 : Perceptions & expectations in romantic relationships
- Ages 12-13 : Positive & respectful online relationships
- Ages 12-13 : Positive romantic relationships
- Ages 12-13 : Relationships and the media
- Ages 13-14 : Am I ready for a sexual relationship (including consent)?
- Ages 13-14 : Communication skills for intimate relationships
- Ages 13-14 : Contraception
- Ages 13-14 : Family diversity
- Ages 13-14 : Positive & respectful intimate relationships
- Ages 13-14 ; Relationship loss & change
- Ages 13-14 : Unintended pregnancy
- Ages 14-16 : Being a young parent
- Ages 14-16 ; Being lesbian, gay or bisexual
- Ages 14-16 : Gender diversity
- Ages 14-16 : Impact of separation & loss in relationships
- Ages 14-16 : Negotiation & communication within romantic (intimate/sexual) relationships
- Ages 14-16 : Parent and teenager relationships
- Ages 14-16 : Pregnancy & choices
- Ages 14-16 : Safer sex
- Ages 14-16 : Stages of a romantic relationship
- Ages 14-16 : Why do people choose to have a sexual relationship?
- Ages 16-18 : Being safe and LGBTQ+
- Ages 16-18 : Coming out as LGBTQ+
- Ages 16-18 : Contraception and choices
- Ages 16-18 : Ending an intimate relationship respectfully
- Ages 16-18 : Influence of faith and cultural views on relationships
- Ages 16-18 : Is this love or lust?
- Ages 16-18 : Managing challenging relationships at work
- Ages 16-18 : Managing changes in relationships when starting Uni or work
- Ages 16-18 : Managing strong emotions in relationships
- Ages 16-18 : Online dating pros and cons
- Ages 16-18 : Pregnancy & young parenthood
- Ages 16-18 : Respectful & assertive communication in relationships
- Ages 16-18 : Sexual health and STIs
- Ages 16-18 : Understanding gender diversity
- Ages 16-18 : Understanding sexuality & sexual orientation
- Tackling Misogyny Teacher's Toolkit