Chameleon PDE LTD
2 Spring Gardens, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1AZ
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
We have several packs in the Chameleon PDE PSHE resource library that focus on friendship and friendship issues. This particular pack is an introduction to friendships, their importance, what being a good friend means, and how to keep friendships happy and healthy. Pupils also investigate how and why friendships can change. If you have a particularly mature or advanced Year 7 group you may wish to skip this pack and use these packs instead; "Managing change in a friendship", "Peer influence". "A welcoming and inclusive school", or any pack from the Personal Skills Development theme.
This pack contains the following activities: