Access all 6 session recordings and supporting PowerPoint slides where presentation slides were used.

TRAINING VIDEO SECONDARY CONFERENCE : Ambitious Personal Development Education March 10 2023

Angela and Richard with the support of some of our expert teachers and PSHE expert John Rees present some of the ways you can ensure your personal development and PSHE programme can be ambitious, relevant and upskill your students to meet some of the challenges of 21st century life.

This resource includes the following files:
  • Ambitious Personal Development Conference 2023 V2
The file includes a document with links to recordings held on vimeo and PowerPoint slides. Session 1 - Introduction, setting the scene, recent updates in PSHE discussion Session 2 - Safeguarding in Personal Development/PSHE with discussion from Emma, Deputy Head specialist ASD setting Session 3 - Using student voice to build ambition in your PD/PSHE with presentation from Melissa, Psychology teacher and PSHE specialist at all boys school Session 4- Ambitious PSHE leadership. Joe from a co-ed grammar school shares his experience of developing a programme and being inspected Session 5 - Pulling together the strands of the wider personal development programme to support students by John Rees, PSHE expert Session 6 - Top tips for managing sensitive issues in PSHE delivered by DSL, Deputy Head and mental health specialist Michelle.
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