Chameleon PDE LTD
2 Spring Gardens, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1AZ
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
©Chameleon PDE LTD - Company registration number: 12534477
As the title suggests, this set of activities explore the world of 'cyberbullying' including bullying via social media. Different types of online bullying are shared and students are also informed about some of the legalities and criminality around online abuse. There is also some focus about when 'free speech' becomes cyberbullying. One activity also addresses upskirting, which is now a criminal offence, and the sharing of 'sexualised' images of under 18s. There are 120 minutes of activity choices, a fully editable PowerPoint and a home learning resource included.