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What should I include in PSHE lesson about emotional health and relationships?
Ages 12-13 : Healthy ways to manage relationship feelings
The focus on mental health and wellbeing in the national curriculum has changed. In 2020, the government introduced a new compulsory subject – Relationships, Health and Sex Education, or RSHE. Both mental health and relationships education are now compulsory curriculum requirements in school. This pack deals with both of these themes, and as the title suggests looks at the types of feelings that arise in relationships (particularly challenging feelings) and suggests ways these can be managed appropriately. There is also gentle introduction about unhealthy coping mechanisms, and you could use other Chameleon PDE library packs from the "Emotional & mental health" and "Keeping safe" themes to progress this learning.
This pack contains the following activities:
- Red flags
- TV relationships
- Unhealthy behaviours and thoughts
- What's the alternative (strategies)?
- Relationship feelings and change
- After-effects
- Feelings check point