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How do you prepare your students for puberty through PSHE lessons in school?
Ages 11-12 : Emotional & social changes at puberty
This pack contains all the puberty resources you need to teach about the emotional and social changes your students may experience during adolescence. It contains learning activities helping them to explore the emotional aspects of puberty and how to manage them. Puberty is now a compulsory part of statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in England and also mandatory in Wales and Scotland. Parents and carers are not permitted to withdraw their children from these lessons. Care has been taken so the activities in the pack are interactive and pupil focused. Trans students, or those who may be trans have also been taken into account. Use this pack to explore puberty with your class with a comprehensive set of teacher notes and PowerPoint based activities that take the fear out of this topic for you and the students alike.
This pack contains the following activities:
- What is a hormone?
- Raging hormones and what does that mean
- My changing identity
- My changing relationship with the world
- Emotions and puberty- and how to manage them
- My changing relationships
- A friend for life