Chameleon PDE Updates

Free training coming up soon - book your place

Our latest blog gives some details on our free twilight training from secodary PSHE/health and wellbeing teachers and leads.

New activity packs availabe

We are pleased to announce that our activity packs on the following topics are now available to subscribers of Chameleon PDE schemes of work: Ages 13-14 Study skills Ages 16-18 Building a positive online profile Ages 15-16 What sort of influence am I?

New activities to support students' personal skills

We've just made available activity plans and resources to support study skills for students aged 13-14, and materials on positive influences for students aged 15-16. These materials also come with a home learning resource, so why not use them during this current lockdown?

Welcome to 2021 - Free materials to support students re: cancelled exams

Our latest blog tells you about the resources we've been developing over the past week to help students manage their feelings and behaviour in relation the announcements on the cancellation of exams. We have also produced an advice sheet linked to a short survey that students can access directly.

Looking for PSHE lessons that include upskirting?

We have just included upskirting as part of our premium resources for secondary schools. The Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance makes it clear that schools should be raising students' awareness of the issues and legalities around upskirting, and PSHE seems the most logical place to do this. Premium subscribers can access these activities in the 'Online bullying' resource for ages 12-13.

New anti-bullying materials

We are pleased to announce additional anti-bullying materials have been added to our premium PSHE / health and wellbeing resources for secondary schools. This follows the positive reception of our free anti-bullying week lesson plans. Premium subscribers will be able to download these additional materials from 09/12/2020

New materials on substance education added to our secondary scheme of work

We've just added some new materials for students ages 15-16 around various aspects of substance education. These are now ready to download for premium subscribers.

New secondary resources available to support Relationships, Sex and health Education (RSHE)

We have just added the following resources to our secondary scheme of work to support statutory RSHE. Ages 15-16 Substances and risky sexual behaviour Ages 15-16 Sleep rest and study Ages 15-16 Developing resilience Ages 15-16 Finding and using health services Ages 11-12 Talking about feelings Ages 11-12 Being unique, self-esteem and health

New resources for ages 17-18

We have just completed resources for ages 17-18 on 'challenging' workplace relationships, and managing change in relationships when starting work or university. These materials are available for subscribers to our 16-18 scheme of work.

FREE Guidance Document Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020 and PSHE

We have produced a summary document outlining the key changes between KCSIE 2019 and the 2020 version that came into force in September. This is now available to download from any of the resource pages on our website in the Free Resources section. This is part of our Anti-bullying Week 2020 Giveaway offer.

New materials for ages 15-16

Three more sets of resources have just been uploaded for ages 15-16. These are: 'Developing resilience', 'Finding and using health services', and 'Sleep, rest and study'. These are now available to download for subscribers to our schemes of work.

Our latest blog has been posted

With world mental health day being tomorrow, this blog looks at the importance of taking time to focus on yourself and do things to support your mental health, we hope you enjoy it!

Resource update 6th October 2020

We are pleased to announce that we have added the following materials to our secondary and Post-16 resources since last week. We are continuing to prioritise mental health and topics students need this term. Ages 14-15 Little things, big impacts how words (and actions) can affect mental health Ages 15-16 Managing your online profile for future work or study Ages 15-16 Study skills Ages 16-17 Suicide prevention

Ages 16-17 Suicide prevention materials added

This often 'taboo' subject is rarely included in personal development education programmes for young people, however we feel it is an essential topic. We have added resources for ages 16-17 to our scheme of work so that suicide can be discussed safely and appropriately. This is part of our premium subscription range.

Resource update: Assessment guidance and more

This week we have added our assessment guidance and proformas to the Chameleon schemes of work for secondary and post 16. This will allow subscribers to track pupil progress and use our unique Student Profile so that students can reflect on their learning and build up a portfolio of skills, knowledge and understanding of their attitudes and values. In addition to the assessment guidance, we have also made learning materials available about sleep and relaxation (for ages 13-14), and applying for work or training (ages 15-16). Please look at the secondary resources pages on our website for further details.
Displaying updates 41 - 55 of 55 in total