NEW FOR 2024/25!
<p>We have some exciting updates and new features coming your way over the next few weeks and months. The latest partner newsletter will give you an overview, and the flame icon on your dashboard highlights new material. </p>
Illegal drugs & the law 13-14 years, pack updated.
We have made some minor modifications to this pack to reflect drug classification. Nitrous oxide (NOS) has been classified as a class C drug (November 2023)
New resource for post-16 students - Menopause and women's health
With increased awareness and media interest in menopause we were asked by some of our partner schools to produce a library pack focusing specifically on women's health and menopause. The pack is now available in the resource library.
How do you compare? Survey report 2022/23
In 2022/23 almost 11,000 students completed the 'How Are You?' pupil voice survey. This survey not only provides great evidence of how schools are consulting with students, but also provides valuable insights that help schools 'bespoke' their PSHE programme. Our new reporting templates mean that from this academic years any school completing the 'How Are You?' survey will be able to see how their results compare to the 'average'.
Updated resources - Age 14-16 - My work and other choices at 16 and Age 14-16 My career ambitions
We have updated another 2 library packs. References to the Covid pandemic have been removed and other information updated. Please remove the previous versions you may have downloaded and use the new ones instead. Look out for the flame icons on your library list to see new and updated material.
Introducing your students to PSHE/PD 11-18 years
Get your PSHE/PD programme off to a flying start with our new introductory lesson. You will find the lesson pack in the Advisory and Guidance documents on your dashboard. The introductory session can be used with any secondary age group and using a range of interactive activities aims to encourage students to identify why PSHE/PD is an important part of the curriculum and an area they will benefit from by engaging fully in lessons.
Updated resources for post 16 students
We've just updated two post-16 lesson packs this week. The law, rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships and Budgeting & finance. These packs had been written in 2020 so there were a few changes to make, particularly the figures in the budgeting and finance pack. Please remember to delete the old packs you may have downloaded and replace with the updated versions. Look out for more updates - see the flame icon. Over the summer quite a few will be getting a refresh!
Updated Women's Safety pack
We have recently updated the Women's safety (Ages 14-16) library pack to take into account that legislation to make misogyny a hate crime has stalled.
How do we teach about misogyny without alienating boys? - Webinar recording now available for partner schools
The full recording of the sexual harassment and misogyny training session is now available to our partner schools (those with a current subscription). You can use the video to cascade the training in school and we can also provide you with the PowerPoint slides. Get in touch if you need any support.
How do we teach about misogyny without alienating boys?
Our latest lesson pack looks at the 'hot topic' of misogyny. Using best practice recommendations for facilitating this controversial issue through our usual range of short, medium and longer activities you and your team will have plenty at your finger tips to feel well prepared and confident. We have also produced some additional teacher notes and a 'spoof' toxic influencer video to help you deconstruct the manipulative messaging and psychological trickery used to 'hook' boys and young men into this disturbing rhetoric. If you haven't already attended our CPD accredited training on misogyny and sexual harassment you can book your place using the 'events' tab on the homepage.
Prioritising my mental health age 16-18
The above library pack has just been updated to remove references to lockdown. Videos have also been updated, so please discard your version 2 pack and replace with version 3.
Money matters 16-18 library pack - Updated
We've just updated the 'money matters' pack to include the changes announced in the autumn statement. If you're planning on doing any budgeting and finance work with your students please delete the old pack and use this one instead.
What I wish I'd known before starting university
Our latest blog has just been published. Written by a student starting second year at university, it gives a candid account of what life in first year was like and the many areas they wish they had known about before moving away from home. Useful reading for anyone working with the post-16 year group.
Is your PSHCE 'gold standard'?
Our latest blog gives examples of what two schools in a trust we are working with are doing to make sure their PSHCE is on a journey of continuous improvement.
Have you seen our updates and new additions?
We've added an icon to help you easily identify new additions to our resource library or packs that have been updated. Look out for the flames!
Ages 16-18 Understanding sexuality
Ages 16-18 Understanding sexuality pack has now been updated.
Latest version - V3 March 22
We have just added a library pack about preparing to drive and driving safety. Available to download from now.
What's happening in Ukraine?
FREE lesson pack to help you talk to students about the current crisis in Ukraine. Available to all subscribers.
Looking for an easy to teach lesson plan about First Aid?
Look no further, we've just added a new teaching pack for our premium subscribers enabling them to create detailed, age-appropriate and enjoyable lessons about First Aid, without having to be a subject specialist.
Want to know how PSHE is being looked at by Ofsted/ ISI?
We've just published an article based on three schools feedback to us following school inspection this term (Autumn 21). PSHE is being looked at closely. We hope this information is helpful for Subject Leads- find the article by navigating to the About PSHE section on our website.